ARTi, Reality of Uncertainty

#Pameran#Special Event

ARTi, Reality of Uncertainty
Tanggal :
14 – 15 Januari 2017
Tempat : Arrene DeCafe Malang, Jl. Bandung No. 36 (Sebrang Sekolah), Malang

Konten Event :

  • Art Exhibition : Morokanggo
  • Community : KOmunitas Turu Kene
  • Music Performance :
    • Beeswax
    • Gelaskaca
    • Much
    • The Roller Chaser
    • And Many More

Pendaftaran :

  • Harga Tiket Masuk :
    • Presale : Rp 5.000 / 2 Hari
    • On The Spot : Rp 10.000 / 2 Hari

More Information :

  • Bara : 0853 3826 1150
  • David : 0812 3224 1245
  • Instagram : arti.xhbt

This Event Full Supported by EVENTMALANG

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