Espriex Business Model Competition ASEAN


Espriex Business Model Competition ASEAN
Tanggal :
22 – 23 Februari 2016

Deskripsi Event :
The Expriex Busienss Model competition is looking for studnets in participating in this year competition scheduled to take palce 22 – 223, February 2016 at Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. In Order to enter the competition, the students must register first and then follow the instructions at our website (free entry) at . The Expriex Busienss Model competition ASEAN is a collaboration event with the International Busienss Model Competition co-hosted and co-founded byi Brigham Young University, Harvard University and Stanford University

The winners of Expriex BMC ASEAN will represent ASEAN regional qualifier winner in the IBMC held on May 2016 at harvard University

The Business odel Competition is judged much differently than traditional business competisions. The comeptition focused on the inputs and process of entrepreneurship and not its outputs. Participants won’t be rewarded for doing lots of library research, creating fancy graphs, or crafting the perfect sales pitch. Instead they will be rewarded for :

  1. Breaking down their idea into hypnotheses based onthe elemnts of the Business Model Canvas
  2. Getting Outside the Building and Testing their assumptions with real customers to nail the pain
  3. Applying customer developement & lean startup principles to make sure they nail the solution
  4. Learning the pivot (or change) until they have a customer – valindated business model that achieves product/market fit

Timeline :

  • Open Registration : 30 October 2015
  • Registration & Submission Deadline : 10 January 2016
  • Open Submission : 1 November 2015
  • Finalist Announcement : 18 January 2016
  • Final Round : 22 – 23 February 2016

About Business Model Competition :

  • IDEA : Are you an entrepreneur or thknking to be one? Do You have a business idea? If you do’t! Maybe you want to start by finding a csutomer problem
  • DESIGN : use the business model canvas to design your busienss
  • TEST : test all your asumption above and try to validate with hard facts
  • PIVOT : if neede, make adjustments or pivot yoru business model after talking with customers
  • TELL US : tell us your business model which you fell is worth executing

The Champion of this competition represent ASEAN in the international business model competition  (ticket and accommodations will be covered)

Total Prize Money More Than USD 2,750

More Information :

This Event Full Supported by EVENTMALANG

Dibuat Oleh : Redaksi EventMalang

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