Food and Beverage Photography Workshop : Food In Frame

Food and Beverage Photography Workshop : Food In Frame
Date :
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Place : Monopoli Soehat, jl. Soekarno Hatta, No. 28, malang

Bersama : Adi Wiratmo
(Photographer Nyata Group)
MC : Tqufiq


  • Fee :
    • Early Bird (5 – 8 April 2015) (10 Seats) : Rp 75.000
    • Second Regist (20 Seats) : IDR 100.000
    • Third Regist (10 Seats) : IDR 125.000
    • On The Spot (If There Are Still Slots) : IDR 150.000
  • Time :
    • Re-Regist : 09.00
    • Starting Event : 10.00
  • Only 40 Seat, Secure Your Seat
  • Include :
    • Coffee Break
    • Charter Event
    • Doorprize for 3 Best Picture
    • Continous Lighting

Contact Person :

  • Acho Baariq Dzakiy : 0813 36008283 / Pin BB : 268D7E59
  • Marchiando Wicaksono : 0856 3520135 / pin BB : 7625C856

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