Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University, Proudly Present : International Seminar 2016 FK UB


Tanggal : Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2016
Tempat : Lt. 2, Graha Medika, FK UB, Malang

Theme : “Clinical Update on Emergency Endocrinology : Management of Endocrine Diseases Fatal Complication”

Pembicara :

  • Alissara vanichkulbodee, M.D., Pharm (Emergency Department, Faculty of medicine Vajira Hospital, Thailand)
    • Theme :
      • Diabetic Ketoacidosis Among Patinets with Hyperglycmemic Crisis
      • Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State in Patients with Diabetes
    • Ali haedar, SP. EM (Emegency Department, RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang)
      • Theme : Recognitionand Management of Thyroid Sotrm in Emergency Department)
    • I Made Sukma W., M.Kep, RN, WOC (ET) N (Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam IX / udayana, Bali)
      • Theme: Urgent Therapy on Diabetic Wound to Prevent Further Infection and Complication
    • Ahmad Khaldun I., BmedSci, DrEmMed (Department of EM, Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
      • Theme : Hypoglycemia and Prehospital Care Management
    • M. Ikhsan Mokoagow, Sp. PD, M.Med, Sci (Fatmawati National General Hospital Jakarta and American Heart Association Instructor)
      • Theme: Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenal Crisis

Pendaftaran :

  • Biaya Pendaftaran :
    • Early :
      • Undergraduate Student : Rp 150.000
      • Post – Graduate, Practitioners, and General : Rp 200.000
      • Specialist : Rp 250.000
    • On The Spot* :
      • Undergraduate Student : Rp 175.000
      • Post – Graduate, Practitioners, and General : Rp 225.000
      • Specialist : Rp 275.000
    • *) If Available
  • Cara Pendaftaran :
    • Confirm if you want to participate on our seminar by sending a message to our contact person.
    • Transfer payment or you can pay for the registration on our stand in GPP FKUB
    • Fill your identity and upload your transfer payment receipt on
    • Send confirmation again to our contact person
  • Ticket Box : Gedung PUsat Pendidikan (Gedung A) Lt.1, FK, UB

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